Continuing to focus on marketing during what is happening around us regarding coronavirus is an interesting time for marketers. For many us, fear, uncertainly, and stress are for sure is creeping up on all of us.
But as professionals, we have to continue to keep a level head and look at how we can adjust during these times.
The challenges I see us having to face right now as marketers or we will have to face soon are:
Business: Uncertainty on how we are going to talk to prospects as conferences are being canceled or converted into virtual events, but the opportunity to showcase during those events in many cases is possible.
Messaging: Consumers are more focused on learning what is happening with regards to the coronavirus compared to your brand.
Mental Health: As one business colleague said to me, “they so stressed as one their employees are currently in hospital due to coronavirus.”
So I wanted to share some tips on how you can adjust your social media during these unpresidential times.
By now, you probably have this under control, so that is good. Do what you can and think outside of the box with your creatively.
Have a plan and Keep Calm (and carry on as the British like to say)
Most businesses will not grind to halt during these difficult times, but they may have to adjust like, for example, finding a way like have their employees work from home.
Worth taking a read is Scott Monty, Speaker and Advisor article called Going Viral.
Brand Awareness
Many companies are seeing a decline in the performance of their social media ads currently. If you see similar analytics results where you have a drop off with engagement, then you might want to look at cutting back on your ad spend currently. Where we would recommend that you focus on increasing your brand, so that keeps you top of mind during these times.
How can you pivot your product or services
Look to see how your products or services can be used for the greater good during these times.
I have seen channel partners offer to help companies who are not familiar with Microsoft Teams help companies get up and running with the free Microsoft Teams offer at no cost to the companies.
Not only are helping you are building credibility today and down the road with these companies.
For many of us who us scheduling tools for social media, you should be looking at what campaign you have planned if you have already and adjust as necessary.
Does your message sound awkward or tone-deaf to what is happening around us today?
Some brands are going to find they can continue as is, but others maybe have to go silent during these times.
Do you scale back?
There is no harm is scaling currently back at the moment as there are probably fewer eyes on your content. Now, does that mean you pull back on developing content or building a list of ideas? Of course not. That is given that you should continue with that process. For us, we have stepped up our content developed during this period because we know that the investment will pay off in the long run.
Social Listening
We have talked a lot about pushing out content, but an important area that you need to step up during these times is social listening so that your understand how your customers, prospects, employees, and the community as a whole are feeling around this crisis.
Get Offline
Find a way that you at work at home. Look to invest in offline activities that recharge you like reading more books or listening to podcasts. And YES, I also need to more of this as well!
Stay Connect
Just because you can’t meet friends as you would usually do then either go old school and use the phone to talk or use technology like FaceTime or Microsoft Teams or many others out there. If you typically have family gatherings, but you’re not doing those, then see how you can get everyone to use, say Microsoft Teams, and set up a group call. And make it fun by everyone still has to bring something to call to eat!
Media Consumption
Oh, and how easy it is to get suckered in to binging on social media and news outlets about the coronavirus. Set yourself consumption limits for the day, so you don’t get overwhelmed.
We will get through this together.
If you need someone to chat with because you’re overwhelmed with everything going on, then click here to book some time with me.
About the Author

Jon Rivers – Jon has been recognized as a pioneer within the channel as a digital marketing expert for his leadership in helping partners develop social brands, marketing strategies, and content to drive successful marketing campaigns. Before starting Marketing Monarchs, Jon spent many years working in the Microsoft Dynamics ERP ecosystem system. Jon serves on various boards, including Directions North America, International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners (IAMCP), and CMA (Channel Marketing Alliance).