With around 200 million tweets per day being pumped out into the “twittersphere,” the importance of making sure you add the appropriate hashtags to your messages is key to your audience seeing your messages.
For starters, what is a hashtag?
Hashtags are a way to categorize/label your message, a way to make it easier for your audience to find messages that meet the criteria of interest they are looking for. For example, if you search for the hashtag #MSPartner on Twitter, what comes up is a list of tweets that are focused on messages for the Microsoft Partner Community. While we are only focused on Twitter in this article, other sites like Facebook and Instagram utilize hashtags as well. We’re even beginning to use of hashtags on LinkedIn. That’s a topic for another conversation at another time.
Make sure you are specific when you are using hashtags. At the same time, do not over hashtag your messages. It is often better to divide your message into multiple messages and incorporate the appropriate hashtags into the different messages instead.
For example, if you are trying to reach both AXUG Summit and NAVUG Summit audiences, it is better to address each audience individually, which makes it more personal. Don’t try to speak to the attendees of both Summits at the same time. The AXUG Summit attendees aren’t likely to be interested in your NAVUG Summit message, and vice versa.
Lastly the more specific you get with your hashtag, the more targeted your audience will be, which in turns means that a more targeted audience is more likely to become more engaged.
40+ Hashtags every Microsoft Dynamics Partners Should Know for 2018 <click to tweet>
#UserGroupSummit - Main User Group Summit Event Hashtag
#AXUGSummit – Dynamics AX User Group Annual Event
#GPUGSummit – Dynamics GP User Group Annual Event
#NAVUGSummit & #BCUGSummit – Dynamics NAV & Business Central User Group Annual Event
#CRMUGSummit – Dynamics CRM User Group Annual Event
#AXUGFocus – AX User Group Focus Event
#NAVUGFocus – NAV User Group Focus Event
#CRMUGFocus – CRM User Group Focus Event
#PBIUGFocus – PowerBI User Group Focus Event
#SummitEMEA - Dynamics User Group Summit event in EMEA
#D365Tech – Dynamics 365 (Operations) Technical Conference
#DirectionsNA – Directions North America - NAV Partner Annual Event
#DirectionsEMEA – Directions EMEA - NAV Partner Annual Event
#navtechdays – NAV Tech Days Event
#GPUGAmplify – GP User Group Amplify Conference
#GPTechConf - GP Technical Conference
#eXtreme365 – eXtreme365 Conference
#MSIgnite – Microsoft Ignite Conference
#MSInspire – Microsoft Inspire Conference
#MSBizAppsSummit - Microsoft Business Applications Summit
News & Podcasts
#DynPodcast - The community where Dynamics AX/365 users gather to talk about whatever is on their minds
#ESPodcast - Enterprise Software Podcast where Bob McAdam, Todd McDaniel, Darcy Boerio, and others talk about all things enterprise software, news, views, reviews, and interviews
#MSDYN365 – Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Microsoft is officially using this one but you will also see #dynamics365)
#MSDYN365BC– Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
#MSDyn365FO – Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations
#MSDYNERP – Microsoft Dynamics ERP General
#MSDYNSMB – Microsoft Dynamics Small and Medium Business Information
#MSDYNAX – Microsoft Dynamics AX General
#MSDYNGP – Microsoft Dynamics GP General
#MSDYNNAV – Microsoft Dynamics NAV General
#MSDYNCRM -Microsoft Dynamics CRM General
#MSDYNSL – Microsoft Dynamics SL General
#MSSocialEngage– Microsoft Social Engagement
#AXUG – AX User Group
#GPUG – GP User Group
#NAVUG – NAV User Group
#CRMUG – CRM User Group
#FlowUserGroup – Flow User Group #PowerBIUG – PowerBI User Group #PowerAppsUG – Power Apps User Group #MyUGCommunity
#IAMCP – The International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners (IAMCP)
#IAMCPWIT – The International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners (IAMCP) WIT (Women in Technology) Channel
#dyn365mtup – Dynamics 365 Meetup
#VFI – Voices for Innovation
#MSDYNCOMM – Microsoft Dynamics Community
#MSPartners – The official Twitter Channel for the Global Microsoft Partner Network Team
#MSUSPartners – Microsoft U.S. Partner Team
#MVPBuzz – Twitter Handle for Microsoft MVPs
#PowerBI – Microsoft PowerBI
#Azure – Microsoft Azure
#PowerApps #MicrosoftFlow #CortanaAnalytics – Microsoft Cortana Analytics
#SharePoint – Microsoft SharePoint
#Windows10 – Microsoft Windows 10
#MSFTAppSource - Official Hashtag for Anything to do with Microsoft AppSource
#CLOUD – Source for cloud computing news
#ERP – ERP news and information
#STEM – STEM (Science, Technology, English, Math)
#LEADSact – Leads Act
#HourOfCode – Hour of Code
#MSFTalum - Microsoft Alumni